What's Wrong With Superheroes
20/11/24 06:17

What makes Spider-Man such an appealing superhero to so many individuals across the globe and of so many different ages is his constant struggle to achieve balance. Yes, Spider-Man has super strength and the ability to stop villains such as Doc Oc from imploding New York City, but Peter Parker barely has the money needed, let alone the down payment for a car. Peter Parker struggles to get the girl and provided the needed support for his grandmother, Aunt May, while knowing he is the amazing man behind the mask of an alternate personality.
As a society, we struggle to achieve the same balance as Spider-Man in our day-to-day lives. We may be superstars in the workplace, but struggle keep our personal relationships from floundering. These were my thoughts while attending the “One Loud Voice” conference in Biloxi, MS.
While there, I ran three great breakout sessions: Heroes, Villains, and Healing (DC Edition), How to Save Your Inner Wonder Woman, Survivor of 1000 faces (Heroes, Villains, and Healing: Marvel Edition)
And although the conference was AMAZING, and a number of people approached me afterwards to say how much they enjoyed the sessions, I was still NOT in Baltimore. My students still did not have a teacher. My daughters still woke up to a single parent household. So, while the conference was a success and I am smiling in all the photos, I still missed my connecting flight and unable to take my daughters to the Daddy-Daughter Dance.
I only mention this because I wanted you to know that regardless of what you see on social media, everyone battles with balance whether you are a stay-at-home parent, or corporate executive. It may be difficult, but the struggle is worth it.
Thanks for the continued support.
All the best,
Kenny Rogers